Friday, August 24, 2012

Welcome to Our Class!

Welcome to English 15S: The Arts at Penn State. This course has two goals: 

1. To teach you about audience-centered writing and give you practice in using rhetorical tools to create persuasive, eloquent arguments. 

2. To show you around your new home--Penn State--and introduce you to the arts community that thrives here.

This is a small class, and we will get to know one another well over the course of the semester. It is my hope that this blog will offer you another way to engage with the class materials, with me, with the community and with each other. I will add links and resources of interest throughout the semester and invite you to suggest events and articles--anything you find relevant--to me for inclusion here.

I will also use this space to post prompts for your short writing assignments. We will talk more about those in class.

You can find the course syllabus (which is also available on ANGEL) above under the tab labeled "Syllabus." Please read it carefully and refer to it from time to time as we go forward. I am happy to answer any questions you may have.

I hope you will think of me as both instructor for this course and mentor for your first college experience. My door--real and virtual--is always open to you!

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