Friday, October 12, 2012

Project Plan: Curated Art Exhibit

Due Wednesday, October 17th, 9pm via email

Your subject line should read as follows: 
Group Project Plan/Section #/Last Names of Group Members

Instructions: Please answer the following questions as specifically and thoroughly as you can.

Group Members______________________________________________________________

1.       Describe the art you will be curating. Be very specific here. Not “photography,” but “photographs of Central PA barn doors from the 20th century.” See the difference?

2.       Describe the medium in which you plan to work. (Podcast? Visual images? Written anthology? Etc.)

3.       Describe your vision for how to produce it. How do you imagine the final project will work?

4.       Explain your connection to this art. Why are you motivated to celebrate it?

5.       Who is your audience for this exhibit? Again, be specific. Not “everyone,” or “college students,” or “my teacher.”  How do you believe this project will help or connect with them? Why should they care about it?

6.       What research (if any) have you done at this point? What research do you have planned?

7.       Describe your plans for the division of labor among group members.

8.       When do you plan to meet again to work on this? Give me an actual date that has been agreed upon by all group members.

9.       Is there specific help you need from me at this point? What is it?

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