Friday, November 2, 2012

Assignment: The Project Update

Due Wed, 11/7 by 9pm

Each group must create a document that persuades the teacher that they are on track with their Curated Arts Exhibit Project. Please answer the following questions THOROUGHLY and THOUGHTFULLY.

1. Who are your group members? List them here.

2. What is the TITLE for your project? Don't have one yet? Time to get one. Remember that titles are the first key we give our readers for comprehension. If this is the only thing they see while surfing the web, would it make them want to stop and visit? Would it tell them enough about the work that they would have an idea of what they were likely to encounter there?

3. What research have you completed? What research do you still have planned? You MUST be able to list sources in the "done" column at this point. 

4. Who is responsible for what part of the project? How are you dividing the tasks at hand?

5. Has anything in your research or work so far taken you into new territory for your project? If so, what is it? Be specific. 

6. What are your plans for production of this project. At this point, you need to be able to say more than, "probably a blog." Be specific. 

7. What is your timeline for completion of the following tasks:

* annotated bibliography
* 750 word "art statements" about each individual piece that will speak specifically about the art, the artist and the reasoning for its inclusion in the exhibit. 
* 6-10 page introduction to the project that will orient your audience to the rhetorical situation and help them understand the main purpose of the collection, and situate your work inside of a larger conversation about the arts.

8. Is there anything specific you need from me? What is it? 

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