Thursday, November 29, 2012

Blog Journal #6: Self Evaluation, etc.

Due: Monday, December 10 by 9pm

Your final blog journal will include a self-evaluation and some last housekeeping items for our course. Please follow the guidelines, using the form of a numbered list as below:

1. Self-Evaluation

Here we are at the end of our time together, and I'd like you to reflect on your personal experience in English 15S. THIS IS NOT A COURSE EVALUATION. (You'll get to do that in a minute...) Here, I want to talk about YOU. What did you learn this semester? About writing? About Penn State? About yourself? About the arts near and far and your relationship to them? This is a place to reflect on your process and progress, and I'd like you to do that specifically and thoughtfully, in a post of 500-1000 words.

2. Blog Response Round-Up

Please provide the url addresses for each blog post of your classmates' which you commented on this semester. You are required to have responded to 10 individual posts. 

3. SRTE Evaluations

The link to the course evaluations (SRTE) can be found on ANGEL. Please take a moment to fill this out--it's important!--and then post a sentence under #3 of your final blog journal that says, "Hi, Ms. S--I completed my SRTEs!" 

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