Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Art of Poetry Series--aka, come hear your teacher read poetry!

The Palmer Museum of Art presents

The Art of Poetry


Sheila Squillante & Paul Bilger
reading from and discussing
their forthcoming limited edition artist's book,

Another Beginning

Wednesday, December 5
12:10 p.m
Palmer Museum of Art

Paul Bilger is an experimental photographer and a lecturer in Philosophy and English at Penn State. His photography has appeared on the cover of music releases by Dead Voices on Air, Autistici, and Brian, and has been featured at qarrtsiluni, Kompresja, Smokelong Quarterly, and will appear in a forthcoming edition of Brevity. You can find more of his work here.

Sheila Squillante is the author of four chapbooks of poetry, A Woman Traces the Shoreline (Dancing Girl Press, 2011);Women Who Pawn Their Jewelry (Finishing Line Press, 2012); Another Beginning (Kattywompus Press, forthcoming, 2013); and In This Dream of My Father (Seven Kitchens Press, forthcoming, 2013). Her work has appeared widely in print and online journals like Brevity, The Rumpus, No Tell Motel, quarrtsiluni, MiPoesias, Phoebe, Cream City Review, TYPO, Quarterly West, Literary MamaGlamour Magazine and elsewhere She has been the recipient of fellowships from the MacDowell Colony and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and nominations for the Pushcart Prize, Best American Essays, Dzanc’s Best of the Web and Sundress Publication’s Best of the Net anthologies. She teaches writing at Penn State. Visit her website for more information.