Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Arts/Cultural Blog Post #1: What We Talk About When We Talk About Blogs

To be posted on your individual blog by Friday, 9/7 at 9pm

For your first journal, I want you to spend some time thinking about the rhetorical situation of course blogging in general, and then talking about the experience of  building your personal blog for English 15.

Part 1. Read My Sample Analysis on the Course Blog. 

Spend some time really looking at our class blog to see what sort of things I included. Why do you think I chose to include what I did, given my position in the course? Now read my sample analysis to see how I explain my rhetorical choices. This is what you will be doing for your own post.

Part 2. Analysis of Your Blog

Now apply the same critical thinking to your own blog and answer some of the following questions. You can follow the template in my analysis, or create your own based on the below.

Why did you choose the template you did? How do the colors, font and layout choices you made reflect your personality or the persona you wish to portray for this course?

What does the title of your blog say about you as a person? A Penn State students? An arts-lover/hater?

Did you choose to include a link list? If so, what links did you/will you choose? Why?

What other components did you decided to include? Why?

What did you include in your "About Me" page? Why?

Part 3. Philosophize a Little

What do you think about your blog? Do you feel like it reflects you well? Was the experience of building it easier or harder than you expected it to be? What do you expect to get out of the experience of blogging for the course?

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