Friday, September 14, 2012

Instructions for Writing about Your Arts/Cultural Event

You are required to attend one arts/cultural event (book reading, theater, musical performance, gallery exhibit, scholarly talk, etc.) of your own choosing during the course of the semester. Here is how to approach this assignment:

1. Choose an event that really intrigues you. Don't force yourself to sit through something you are sure you will positively hate; there will be so many opportunities for happiness. Seek it out!

2. Get a friend to go with you if you can. Happiness should be shared.

3. Go to the event. Take some unobtrusive notes, but not so many that you are focused more on note-taking than on experiencing the thing.

4. Some things to pay attention to: What is it? Who is it? Who sponsored it? Where is it? When is it? What did the room feel like? Look like? Who was in attendance? What did the singer/writer/performer do? What was your favorite part? What part made you want to throw tomatoes? Why? Were you itchy? Hungry? Did you fall asleep? Did you participate? Was this your first time at an event like this? If so, what did you expect? Did your experience match up with your expectations? Why or why not? What did your friend think? Would you do it again? How do you feel now?

5. Write up a post of between 300-700 words for your blog that answers some or all of the above questions. Make sure you title it "Arts/Cultural Response: Title of Event." So, "Arts/Cultural Response: Marathon Reading," or something like that.

6. Okay?

7. Okay.

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