Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Titles: So Important I'm Creating a Contest for Them!

Okay, so now your blogs are up and running!

We've talked about how important titles are, and we've read the chapter that talks about logos, including polls and surveys.

To combine a little lesson on both of these things, I've decided to launch a little contest and survey you all to find out which of your classmate's blog titles you think is THE BEST!

So. Have a look at the titles in your section. JUST the titles; don't click on the blog link. Which is the most compelling to you? Which one makes you WANT to click to find out what it's about?

Pick your favorite (only one from your section, please) and send it to me in an email (I will keep results anonymous) by FRIDAY, September 14th at 5pm.

I will tally the winner for each class, and announce on Monday. Winners will get a prize!

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