Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Arts/Cultural Opportunity: Poet Geoff Goodfellow

Kalliope Literary Journal is proud to help host 

MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 from 4:00 – 5:30 PM 
in the Grucci Room in Burrowes’ basement

"Geoff Goodfellow writes to the detail of recent experience. Of work and workers, of fathers and sons, of unemployment and the unemployed, of families and personal strife, of the ordinary and sometimes extraordinary struggle of working class Australians. And he does it in their language. Be assured he can be hilarious yet disturbing... familiar yet affronting... heart-warming yet in-your-face. He's likely to serve up words that will make you laugh, cry and ask for more" - read more about him here! He turned to poetry after being sidelined from boxing and construction contracting by an injury. Come to learn more about him, his poetry, and his work in prisons, rehabs, and schools. 

It's a great chance to talk with someone who is outside of academia and working in the arts world! This is open to everyone, so please feel free to bring friends and classmates.

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